For First Years – Not The Way You Exactly Envisioned Your First Year Of Law School Ending
The first year of law school typically ends with final exams (of course) and then the realization that you truly made it through a year of law school followed by some celebration. It may then turn to thoughts about a summer internship and the opportunity to practically apply what you learned during your first year. Completing the first year of law school is certainly a time to be excited about your professional future. And then there was COVID-19. . .
There is still a level of uncertainty about the future despite what the politicians may say. After all, their goals and purposes revolve around re-election rather than the health, safety, and welfare of the public. The future for law students who are in the middle of their education has not changed. The goal is still to obtain a law degree and learn as much as possible during their tenure as law students about being an effective attorney-advocate.
It is inconceivable for any law student to spend their summer guessing about their future as las students and lawyers. The only logical consideration is to prepare not only for the upcoming semester as if it will take place on schedule, but also formulate a preparation program that is adaptable and that allows the student to continue with learning as scheduled in the case of any contingencies, such as further effects of COVID-19 that disrupt the semester’s normal learning program.
There was little for the CDTA to do as far as modifying its learning platform as a result of the COVID-19 quarantine because of its already well-established distance learning program that utilizes the internet to facilitate instruction using online tools. For CDTA students, we will be offering the same comprehensive, online learning platform in the fall that we have for almost ten years and provide students with the benefits of distance and adaptive learning.
Stay the course. If anything, over-prepare for the fall semester. There certainly will be fewer opportunities for socializing and more opportunities for studying this summer Any under-preparation or lack of readiness for the semester because of the doubt of a return to “normalcy” may be fatal to the future success of a student’s legal education, especially when distance learning and the CDTA are there to fill the void.
If you are interested in becoming an exceptional legal advocate, consider the benefits of the California Desert Trial Academy. As a member of CDTA’s growing family, you’ll receive access to our student and alumni attorneys, who freely and openly share their legal experiences, career advice, and academic tips. Call us today at (760) 342-0900 or find out more online here.