Identifying Your Client Base

Identifying Your Client Base

Identifying Your Client Base

Not every lawyer can be all things to all people. An important component of an attorney’s success is not necessarily having as many clients as possible but finding and attracting the right clients. This not so simple task begins with a lawyer identifying the ideal client base for the firm.

Is it even possible that a lawyer has an “ideal client” base? To start, some evaluation should be undertaken to determine this. Ask the following questions:

  • What makes someone part of this client base?
  • What does your ideal client do for a living?
  • Where are potential clients located?
  • How do they shop for services?
  • What do they need?
  • What do they do in their spare time?
  • What is their age/income bracket?
  • Do they have children?
  • Why do they need your services?
  • Why do you enjoy working with them?
  • What aspect of representation provides the greatest value to clients?
  • Who is the competition?
  • What do they offer?

At first, it may be difficult to be as selective as possible. Once you represent some clients and find success, review them one by one and note their most positive characteristics.

  • Which ones pay the most?
  • Which pays most consistently?
  • Which of your services do they use the most?
  • Which do you most enjoy working with, and why?

Some common threads and profiles should emerge among those clients that may be considered most profitable and easy to work with during representation. The demographic profile that emerges from this analysis should include gender, age group, income level, profession, etc., and. Until the profile changes, finding other clients that fit the profile and marketing to them would be a course of action conducive to success.

Of course, an easy way for a lawyer to find the ideal client is to target who would most benefit from his legal expertise. What services does the attorney offer? What services would the attorney like to offer? Again, a profile should emerge based on these factors, and ascertaining who would benefit most from these services and able to afford them is crucial.

Answering these questions should provide a clearer picture of an ideal client, thus allowing an attorney to focus her efforts more specifically on attracting these types of clients. Not every client that fits the profile will turn out to be a good client. However, identifying the best clients will help guide an attorney on how to attract more of them. Over time, an attorney should instinctively separate herself from those individuals who are unproductive clients and likely to benefit less from the attorney’s representation.

The California Desert Trial Academy (CDTA) builds, fosters, and promotes a learning environment where a legal education is not a competitive exercise but a collaborative one. A primary focus of the California Desert Trial Academy (CDTA) is the inclusion of all students in every phase and aspect of our learning platform and social environment. The competitiveness of law school can have a negative effect on some students, but some see it as survival of the fittest. The CDTA prefers to look at every interaction between students as a positive learning opportunity for all students. The CDTA College of Law trains, educates, and develops students to be exceptional attorneys and trial advocates. Call us today at (760) 342-0900 or find out more online here.

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