How to Be an Exceptional Online Student

How to Be an Exceptional Online Student

online student

The challenges of law school and being a student are famously stringent. In attending California Desert Trial Academy College of Law, however, you may find that you are suddenly embracing the mentality of working smarter—not harder. All the extraneous issues and logistics for dealing with life outside the classroom are taken away, such as having to find a place to live on or near campus (most likely you haven’t had to consider relocating at all, unless it was already a necessity for other reasons).

That constant commute, family complexities such as childcare or juggling driving with another family member and traveling across campus constantly to go from one class to another are no longer something you must worry about in relation to education. You will find that suddenly your schedule is more flexible. You can study when you want, attend class when it is convenient for you, and course topics and online resources are expanded.

And while you may hear much about the benefits of online schooling in terms of ease, there is no doubt however, that law school in any form is anything but easy. One of the biggest challenges in attending any online school may be that you do not have someone cracking the whip behind you all week long. It is all up to you. But what does it take to become an exceptional?

First, surround yourself with other dedicated people. Any type of commitment to school is a serious venture, and it would be very hard to reach your goal if you were surrounded by others who are not goal oriented or who are critical of your positive ventures. If possible, create study groups with other like-minded students who have a strong focus on learning and succeeding, reach out for student support, stay connected with them online, and strive to learn from others who are older and more experienced; for instance, join a study group or strike up a friendship with a fourth-year law student who can help you know what to expect and give insight on how to avoid pitfalls they may have experienced, especially in the first year.

Studying and attending all your classes (along with on-campus enrichment courses, such as those held on Saturdays at CDTA) may be the biggest challenge, but the entire purpose of investing in any online school is to learn and retain the knowledge. Studying will reinforce your classwork, and for law school, you will find that you must study more than you ever have in your life. Do not assume that any classes will be easy and do not ignore the outlined requirements for recourse.

Our mission at CDTA College of Law is to educate, train, and develop extraordinary legal advocates. Your legal education will be comprised of bar-tested academic subjects, skills training, and values reinforcement. Upon completion of your 4-year course of study you will be fully qualified to take and pass the California Bar examination. Call us today at (760) 342-0900 or find out more online here.

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