Online Law School Tag

Success in the Legal Field: Do You Have to Be Aggressive?

legal field

As a law student, you probably spend a lot of time imagining what it is going to be like to actually get into your career in the legal field and practice as a trial lawyer; after all, this is the whole point of law school: gaining the skills you need to maneuver in the legal system, and hopefully either work for a firm later that challenges and rewards you handsomely, or strike out on your own, perhaps hanging your shingle in your hometown or a neighboring area. Although quite confident in your identity already, you may wonder if you should alter...

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Battling Burnout During the First Year of Law School


While there are probably many reasons you want to become an attorney, from helping people to seeing justice served, to using your analytical skills in court and enjoying the excitement of being a trial attorney, you may have more than a little trepidation about attending law school, and may worry about issues that come up later such as burnout. Law school is the next level, and one step up from the undergraduate degree (which may have seemed stressful already). Now, mingling with the cream of the crop in law school, you may worry about how you will measure up—along with many...

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Preparing to take the California State Bar

State bar

For most students attending law school today, and for those enrolled at California Desert Trial Academy College of Law, taking the California State Bar Exam is the end of a long educational journey, testing would-be lawyers before they head out into the legal world to take on clients and hopefully flourish as well-rounded trial attorneys. The California Bar Exam is the test of all tests, although it certainly is not unheard of for a bright student to fail and have to take it again under what is usually significant stress; in many cases, students who find exciting job opportunities in...

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Setting the Scene: How Comfortable Should Everyone Be During Negotiations?


While some negotiations are cut and dry, and everyone is happy in a surprisingly efficient amount of time, those will probably be the bonus rounds in your career—the cherries on top. Other times, negotiations may be long, drawn-out, excruciating—and even heated; and after all, if the parties involved were able to agree easily, they would not need your services, and the other side would not have needed to retain legal counsel either. You may be a natural born debater and usually the one to come out on the winning end of any argument, but successful negotiators usually evolve through experience and...

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First-Year Law Students Must Budget Time Wisely

While the first year of high school is a serious time of adaption, leading to that exciting first year of college, upon entering the first year of law school, law students are taking their education—and the challenge level—to an exponentially higher degree. You will be reading voluminous amounts of material related to legal cases and coursework, and you will be expected to retain more information than ever before. Along with that, you must also devote even more time to your studies than ever before; in fact, if you’ve ever had a rigorous job where you worked overtime too, expect that...

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Setting Up the Most Effective Work Area for Distance Learning

distance learning

No matter where you attend law school, get ready to spend a great deal of time after class situated comfortably at your desk--and even if you are engaged in online, distance learning at a progressive law school like California Desert Trial Academy College of Law—with the freedom to study wherever you like—you will still need an organized area with everything at your fingertips for streamlined studying. There is no way around the fact that you will be poring over substantial amounts of reading material most days and nights, probably studying as many hours per week as you would devote to a...

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Better Studying: Why Visual Aids Are So Beneficial

visual aids

Visual aids can be vital in almost every aspect of studying. As a law student, you will be subjected to many basic lectures which are based on a professor speaking and you listening, along with participation from the class. Much of this is supported by text, both before and after—serving as a visual aid, but it is always helpful to have other illustrations too. Because so much of the key to studying and retention is based on manipulating the mind and the memory, strengthening your abilities, you may find yourself looking for different methods to rely on when learning. Experienced teachers...

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Practicing Law: Your Clients Will Rely on You for Logical Thinking

Many of us have role models we look up to, some of whom we may have known since we were children. They may be parents, relatives, friends, counselors, or as we advance in age, teachers and professors. Whether you admire someone who may have a propensity for mathematical equations, writing fine prose, or spouting philosophy with eloquence—inspiring everyone around you—learning from them over the years may also help define you as a good candidate for law school. Today, you may be a strong leader, disciplined, and extremely meticulous—whether you are speaking or writing—but when it comes to law school, the LSAT...

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Learning to Excel While Under Stress


You don’t have to be considering a career in law to know that while everyone wants to excel in law school, it is stressful; the challenges are notorious, and well documented in dramas on television and in the movies too. If you are a law student entering your first year, words like organization, preparation, and participation will be drummed into your head, along with an ongoing emphasis on why you should never give into procrastination, and always have stellar studying skills. You may have even spent the entire summer before law school getting ahead of the game, leaping into your...

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Law School Studies: Five Ways to Avoid Procrastination

law school studies

Are you beginning law school soon? This is a challenge you will need to meet head-on, and preparation is key. Here are five helpful tips: Head into your first year organized. While it is understandable that you may want to spend your last truly free summer engaged in recreational activities, do yourself a big favor and start setting yourself up for success early on—especially if you tend to be a procrastinator and there is the potential for falling behind quickly. Begin getting your sleep schedule on track, and make sure your living arrangements are stable. Prepare yourself for a stringent schedule...

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