Last-Minute Baby Bar Tips

Last-Minute Baby Bar Tips

The California First-Year Law Students Examination, otherwise known as the “Baby Bar” is scheduled for June 23, 2020. Whereas the Supreme Court of California, on April 27, 2020, postponed the summer California Bar Exam scheduled for the end of July to September 9th and 10th, it chose to carry on with the summer Baby Bar as scheduled. Here are some last-minute Baby Bar Exam tips. CDTA students study and prepare for this test regularly, using weekends to focus their development on test-taking skills. CDTA students have a 65% FYLSX pass rate, one of the highest pass rates in the State of...

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Sharing Office Space

Sharing Office Space

As most people know, lawyers may share office space with other lawyers but with ethical considerations, such as client confidentiality, advertising, and conflicts of interest. For example, attorneys may not advertise their services in such a way that they mislead the public into believing that the lawyers sharing space are members of one law firm. In a shared office scenario, attorneys sublease with other practitioners. The office’s common areas such as lobby, kitchen, conference room, etc., are shared by sub-tenants, who are required to either make equal or proportionate contributions based upon use for the common space, furniture, office equipment, select...

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About IOLTA Accounts

About IOLTA Accounts

A strange acronym with which every attorney who starts his or her practice becomes familiar is IOLTA. This stands for Interest on Lawyers’ Trust Accounts. And this interest raises money to provide civil legal services to indigent individuals. Any lawyer who handles client funds that are too small in amount or held too briefly to earn interest for the client must participate in the Interest on Lawyers’ Trust Accounts program. Such IOLTA accounts may only be kept at approved financial institutions. Attorneys routinely receive client funds that must be held in trust for future use. If there is a large sum of...

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Some Ethical Considerations Of Billing

Some Ethical Considerations Of Billing

A law practice's method of billing may directly impact the financial viability of the practice and is an important component of an individual lawyer's ethical and professional obligations. Most states grant lawyers a large degree of discretion to develop billing practices that are suitable to the law practice and beneficial to the client. However, the billing practices of a law firm are not solely important because of the necessity to ensure the firm’s financial stability, but because attorneys have an ethical duty to engage in proper billing practices. A primary focus of attorneys throughout their practice is the collection of outstanding fees....

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Law Practice and Marketing

Law Practice and Marketing

Law firms vary by practice area, location, client-type, experience, and many other facets. Each additional factor causes the marketing requirements of each business enterprise that much more distinctive and unique. While they all share the reality of operating in an overly competitive legal industry, they must find their niche within this industry, then develop and sustain this niche over time. The law is extraordinarily varied and offers law students and established attorneys a wide menu of specialties from which to choose.  These choices may become narrower based on geographic location and client-type. It is important and rewarding to know that none...

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Identify Your Time Thieves

Identify Your Time Thieves

While time efficiency is a daunting subject to any person, it is especially intimidating to law students. At the undergraduate level, time efficiency was less important as it related to making it to class and completing each assignment. Students improvised, adapted, and muddled through. For law students, it is important to identify those habits, tendencies, inclinations, and - whatever else you want to call them - that expend, exhaust, waste, and - whatever else you want to call it - our precious time. The idea is to identify those things that take, like thieves, our valuable time that may never be...

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Adapting To The September 2020 California Bar Exam

Adapting To The September 2020 California Bar Exam

The California Bar Exam has been postponed to September 9th and 10th, 2020. This will result in a delay from the test’s normal administration at the end of July. This allows graduates and other exam-takers to have more time to prepare for the exam. So how should you use it? These dates mean a relatively short six- or seven-week delay for law students, allowing them to study over the summer. These dates also allow test-takers to take the test before starting their jobs in the fall. In 2019, 7,664 took the California Bar Exam, of which 4,938 (63.6%) were first-time applicants. First...

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Memorization Techniques For Applied Knowledge

Memorization Techniques For Applied Knowledge

The California Desert Trial Academy is a progressive law school where students focus on those skills necessary to become not just a lawyer, but an attorney-advocate. Learning the skills to be an advocate gives students an expedient path to a successful and rewarding legal career. With certain memorization techniques in your toolbox, there are ways to use this knowledge to build connections between concepts and push your understanding of the material to a new level. Here are two memorization techniques for applied knowledge: *Explain what you’re trying to learn to someone else An excellent way to test your understanding of a concept in...

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Fixed Legal Fees And Making A Profit

Fixed Legal Fees And Making A Profit

Of course, like any other business that charges some cost for its services, fees are the lifeblood of a law practice. Legal fees depend on several variables: the time necessary to remedy the problem; the lawyer's ability, experience, and reputation; the novelty and difficulty of the case; the results; and associated costs. A lawyer's overhead expenses such as rent, utilities, office equipment, computers, also affect the fee charged. Profit is a lawyer’s income. In the case of a law practice, it is what remains after paying the aforementioned overhead costs of the practice. Research indicates that attorneys may expect to keep...

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Handling And Collecting Legal Fees

Handling And Collecting Legal Fees

Not only must lawyers do the hard work that is necessary to earn their fees, but they must also handle and collect them, which are processes that are both time-consuming and detail-laden. Lawyers must not only be attorneys, but they must also be accountants and bill collectors. Lawyers are subject to special ethical rules when handling client funds, which are funds in which the client still has an ownership interest. The rules require all client funds to be maintained in an interest-bearing trust account while they are in the lawyer’s possession. Safekeeping client funds in a trust account improves client-relations since clients...

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